

How to get your grandfather's great-grandfather's land in your name, step by step all the information


All of you friends are very much welcome again on the Shivam Helper website, I am Shivam with you, in today's article we will know how to get the land of your grandfather great grandfather in your name.

Before giving the land of our grandfather and great-grandfather in our name, we have to know about the partition.

What are the three types of division?

1. Mutual consent sharing

This is the most dangerous division because this division should not be done at all. What happens in this division, as if a man has four boys, then all of them sit and divide among themselves that I will stay here, you stay there. The minds of these four meet and get divided, but going ahead he says that now I will stay there, you stay here. And then the Mahabharata begins. You should not do this division even by forgetting because it has no value, and because of this division, many of you are facing the biggest problems.

2. Panchayat Consensus Sharing

This division is also like a mutual consent division, in this it happens that there is a sarpanch or headman of your village, under his supervision, the division takes place, while it also does not have any value later. You should not even do this division.

3. Registry sharing

This division is the most correct and secure division because this division is done through the court and the zone. You must do this division.

It has two types.

1.Registry by Circle Officer

This division is done in less cost. And it is done by the Circle Officer.

2. Registry by Court

If we buy any land, then we get it registered, in the same way it is a registry, although the money is used according to the value of your land.

How to get the land of grandfather and great-grandfather in his name

Before getting your grandfather's great-grandfather's land in your name, it was very important for you to know about the partition, so I explained to you about the partition. To get your grandfather's great-grandfather's land in your name, you have to get it done under the court or circle officer (co). For example, suppose you are four brothers, well then all four brothers have a share. You can get your violence written in your name from the court or you can get it written from the circle officer (co). For example, after buying a new land, we have to get it registered in our name. In the same way, the land of your grandfather and great-grandfather also has to be registered to get his name. However, less tax is charged from the circle officer, while from the court it is charged according to the valuation of your land. After registering, the filing expenses have to be incurred, after that the receipt is deducted from your name and the land gets in your name.

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